2018: A review OR Top ‘random’ things that happened in 2018 that definitely didn’t happen in 2017

Winifred Yachiga Amase
5 min readDec 31, 2018

I started this year uncertain of a whole lot of things. I moved to an apartment with my flatmate last year December so January was a bit touch and go there.
At the end of last year, I had also made a conscious decision to not be your everyday introvert staying affixed in one setting namely my room and go out there for some ‘fun’. Also also, I had seen a number of 2017 review articles last year with people outlining the amazing things they had accomplished-both big and small. So I thought why not do something that is worth writing about this year. To me anyways.
So here are the top somewhat random things that happened in 2018 that most definitely didn’t happen in 2017.

Roadshow Activation: I started this year with a bang at a market activation for the company I worked for. It was new, novel and it put my stress levels at an all-time high. All in all, in retrospect I had a bit of fun (especially after it ended).

It was an excited bunch that made their way to the Market

In March, got my heart broken. Again. (T_T)

In April, I organized a global company contest locally. Upside, the country company was one of the winners of the 3000 Euros prize. Downside, organizing that took its toll on me because that week to date has been the most trying week of my life career-wise.

In May, went with my power girl squad and hung out at Omu Resort on a Daycation. Fun scale topping 100.

we run the world girls!

In June went to see a drama performed live at the Muson center. Isale Eko told the story of Lagos and intertwined a beautiful love story in vivid colors and spectacular choreography. It was truly a memorable experience as I and my friend apparently bought tickets on the day of a private viewing (their mistake not mine) and we partook of the cocktail party held for the special viewers. They tried a bit of hanky panky and didn’t want us to view at the same time with the others but I stood my ground and eventually got in to see the performance. A pat on the back for that definitely.

Also in June, my two days one night stay at La Campagne Tropicana is definitely a highlight worth mentioning. I had been to the resort a really long time ago with my family so it was really cool to go there on an office retreat and have fun and play games with my office squad. The relaxing atmosphere was in the high hundreds.

In August, I moved to a new company. If I want to be picky, I could say I did this same thing last year, but this year I moved to what you could say is a ‘dream’ job. I became a graphics designer and from the first moment loved every bit of it as I knew I would.

In September, successfully completed and delivered my first deliverable for a major project. Like I was so excited that the client loved it the first time he saw it. Mass produced the brochure and it was distributed during the Made In Nigeria Festival (woohoo!)

In October, completed my design class with an amazing presentation. The panel didn’t have any question to ask me since I cleared all their doubt with my awesome presentation and design skills. (All those times I had to present as a project manager in my previous job really paid off). I now hold a well-deserved certificate in graphics design. (Yayyyyyyyy me)

In November, decided ‘what the heck? Need to start ticking off stuff from my adventure list so I can add much more’ so I went skating. 45 minutes of skating and I could at least move from one end of the room to the other without hanging on to the wall for there life.

Also also, I completed the design of the Nigerian Landmark icons and shared an article on some of the lessons I learned on the way. See the article here

December is my birthday month and it’s special enough to warrant my first ever birthday trip. I went hiking alone- a blood pumping experience you can find my review here.

I’ve always known I wanted to have such varied and interesting activities to fill my days when I’m not stuck in front of my laptop happily designing or reading a book or watching K drama (judge me not). For a long time, I gave myself one excuse or another why I couldn’t do stuff, but 2018 changed that for me. For that, I am grateful immensely for an amazing 2018 and I’m pretty sure 2019 is going to be even more amazing. I mean how won’t it?! Now that I’m armed with an adventure list and all.
I’m still an introvert and I love my me time a lot! But now, I’m taking steps and I’m enjoying those steps.

*Blows kiss to 2018*…you were a good year

*Deep breath and big smile*…hello 2019, you’re going to be an amazing year!

Because the bestie says the picture looks ‘deep’



Winifred Yachiga Amase

Writer/Editor, Data Visualization Designer and avid reader of all things I find curious. I write about things I love, experience and observe.